About Me

My Selft

My name is Sultan Jumhur but you can call me Jumhur. I'm 15th years old. I was born at 12th September 2001. I have 3 sister, the oldest sister name is Nada Zharfania Zuhaira, she like play piano. My second sister's name Faza Fariha Zhafira. She like cook any food. Last my little sister is Damara Zeta. She like sing a song. I was little worry about my little sister cause when she 1st year old, she has trouble with her heart. I always protect her. About me, I like play soccer, basketball and many sports. So far, i already win many competition of sports. Me and my family live at Jl. Farmakologi no. 12, Bandung.

I have a story about me that maybe will inspire everyone.

When I was poor I often gave charity in the mosque. Day per day my money is increasing. At first I thought my money could increase because I save money on shopping. Without realizing I am more seldom giving charity. One day my money is gone and finally I start giving alms again. My money eventually increased again. I finally realized that God wanted me to give charity to the money I had.


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